Comprehensive Guide to Creating Video Ideas and Briefs Using ChatGPT
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Comprehensive Guide to Creating Video Ideas and Briefs Using ChatGPT

In the fast-paced world of video production, generating creative ideas and crafting detailed briefs can be time-consuming and challenging. Leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT can streamline this process, offering innovative ideas and structured guidance. This comprehensive guide will show you how to use ChatGPT to create compelling video ideas and detailed briefs.

Generating Video Ideas with ChatGPT

ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool for brainstorming and refining video concepts. Here’s how to effectively use it to generate ideas:

1. Initial Brainstorming
  1. Prompt Examples:
    • "Generate creative video ideas for promoting a new fitness app."
    • "What are some engaging concepts for a cooking channel's YouTube series?"
  2. Output: ChatGPT will provide a range of ideas, from straightforward promotional videos to innovative series concepts.

2. Refining Concepts
  1. Prompt Examples:
    • "Refine the idea of a travel vlog focusing on sustainable tourism. What unique angles can we explore?"
    • "How can we make an educational video on financial literacy engaging for teenagers?"
  2. Output: The AI will suggest specific angles, styles, and elements to make your concept more appealing.

3. Exploring Different Styles and Formats
  1. Prompt Examples:
    • "Suggest different video styles for a tech product launch (e.g., demo, testimonial, animated)."
    • "What are some unique formats for a documentary about urban gardening?"
  2. Output: ChatGPT will list various styles and formats, helping you choose the one that best fits your project.

Creating Detailed Video Briefs with ChatGPT

Once you have a solid idea, the next step is to create a comprehensive video brief. ChatGPT can help organize and detail your brief efficiently.

Structuring Your Brief
  1. Prompt Examples:
    • "Outline a video brief for a 60-second explainer video about a new health supplement."
    • "What should be included in a brief for a corporate training video?"
  2. Output: The AI will provide a structured outline, including sections like objectives, target audience, key messages, and technical requirements.

Defining Objectives and Goals
  1. Prompt Examples:
    • "Help me define the objectives for a video aimed at increasing awareness about climate change."
    • "What goals should be set for a social media marketing video for a new fashion brand?"
  2. Output: Clear, concise objectives and goals that align with your project’s purpose.

Detailed Instructions and Requirements
  1. Prompt Examples:
    • "Write detailed instructions for a video editor for a promotional video about a new app."
    • "List the technical specifications needed for a 4K resolution travel vlog."
  2. Output: Comprehensive instructions and technical details, ensuring the editing team has all the information they need.

Using Examples and References
  1. Prompt Examples:
    • "What are some effective keywords for finding reference videos on YouTube?"
    • "Describe how to use existing videos as examples in a brief."
  2. Output: Keywords and strategies for finding relevant examples, and guidance on incorporating them into your brief.

Incorporating Brand Guidelines
  1. Prompt Examples:
    • "How do I include brand guidelines in a video brief for a new marketing campaign?"
    • "What information about our brand should be shared with the video editing team?"
  2. Output: Detailed sections on brand guidelines, including visual elements, tone, and core messages.

Practical Examples and Templates

To make it even easier, here are some practical examples and templates for different types of video briefs:

1. Explainer Video Brief
  • Prompt Example: "Create a detailed brief for a 60-second explainer video for a new project management tool."
  • Output:
    • Overview: Brief summary of the project management tool and its benefits.
    • Objectives: Explain the tool’s features and encourage sign-ups.
    • Target Audience: Small business owners and project managers.
    • Key Messages: Efficiency, ease of use, and integration capabilities.
    • Technical Specifications: 1080p resolution, 60 seconds in length, with animated graphics.

2. Promotional Video Brief
  • Prompt Example: "Write a brief for a promotional video for an upcoming music festival."
  • Output:
    • Overview: Summary of the festival, including dates, location, and main attractions.
    • Objectives: Generate excitement and drive ticket sales.
    • Target Audience: Music enthusiasts aged 18-35.
    • Key Messages: Unique lineup, immersive experience, and exclusive performances.
    • Technical Specifications: 4K resolution, 90 seconds in length, with live footage and interviews.

3. Corporate Training Video Brief
  • Prompt Example: "Outline a brief for a corporate training video on cybersecurity best practices."
  • Output:
    • Overview: Introduction to the importance of cybersecurity in the workplace.
    • Objectives: Educate employees on best practices and protocols.
    • Target Audience: All company employees.
    • Key Messages: Importance of strong passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, and data protection.
    • Technical Specifications: 1080p resolution, 10 minutes in length, with animations and real-life scenarios.


Using ChatGPT to generate video ideas and create detailed briefs can significantly enhance your video production process. By leveraging AI, you can streamline brainstorming, ensure comprehensive briefs, and communicate your vision clearly to your editing team. Follow this guide to maximize the potential of ChatGPT in your video projects, ensuring high-quality, engaging, and effective videos every time.

Meet the author


I'm the Director of Creative Operations at Viral Ideas. I'm passionate about marketing, writing, and social media.

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