How to Edit Company Customer Testimonials to Build Trust and Credibility
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How to Edit Company Customer Testimonials to Build Trust and Credibility

Customer testimonials are a powerful marketing tool that can help build trust and credibility with potential clients. When well-edited, testimonials offer authentic insights into how your products or services have positively impacted real customers. However, simply recording a testimonial is not enough. How you edit the video can significantly affect its ability to resonate with your audience and foster trust in your brand.

In this blog, we’ll explore the best practices for editing customer testimonial videos so that they are engaging, trustworthy, and effective at converting viewers into customers.

1. Why Customer Testimonial Videos Matter

Before diving into the editing process, it’s important to understand why customer testimonials are so effective. Potential clients are more likely to trust a fellow customer’s experience over marketing materials. Testimonial videos add a human element to your business, providing social proof that your product or service delivers real results.

The benefits of customer testimonial videos:

Build trust: Seeing real customers share their positive experiences increases the credibility of your brand.

Highlight value: Testimonial videos allow you to showcase the tangible benefits your customers have gained from your product or service.

Connect emotionally: Authentic testimonials tap into the emotions of your audience, making them feel more connected to your brand.

With these benefits in mind, it’s clear that editing your customer testimonial videos carefully can enhance their impact and improve your brand’s credibility.

2. Focus on Storytelling

The most effective customer testimonials tell a story. When editing testimonial videos, focus on crafting a narrative that highlights the customer’s journey—how they discovered your company, what problem they were facing, and how your product or service helped solve that problem.

Editing tips for storytelling:

Start with a strong introduction: The opening of the testimonial should introduce the customer and quickly establish the problem they were experiencing. This sets the stage for the rest of the video.

Highlight the transformation: Use editing techniques like before-and-after comparisons to visually and narratively show how your product or service improved the customer’s situation.

Create a natural flow: Arrange the video clips so that the customer’s story unfolds naturally. Avoid jumping between unrelated points, as this can confuse viewers and reduce the impact of the testimonial.

By focusing on storytelling, you create a more engaging and relatable video that resonates with your audience.

3. Keep the Testimonial Authentic

Authenticity is the key to building trust through customer testimonials. The goal of editing is not to manipulate the customer’s words but to present their experience in the most genuine way possible. Over-editing or adding too much polish can detract from the authenticity of the message.

Editing tips for maintaining authenticity:

Avoid heavy cuts: Let the customer speak naturally. Cutting too frequently can make the testimonial feel scripted or rehearsed.

Use natural pauses and emotions: If the customer hesitates or shows emotion, let those moments remain. Genuine pauses or emotional responses can make the testimonial feel more relatable and real.

Include diverse perspectives: If you have multiple testimonials, incorporate a range of customers—different demographics, industries, or product use cases—to show that your service works for a wide audience.

Authenticity builds credibility, and viewers are more likely to trust testimonials that feel genuine rather than overly produced.

4. Incorporate B-Roll and Visuals

While the customer’s voice is the core of a testimonial, adding b-roll footage and supporting visuals can make the video more engaging and impactful. B-roll footage shows the customer using your product or service, providing visual evidence to support their statements.

How to use b-roll effectively:

Show the product in action: Incorporate b-roll of the customer using your product or service, whether it’s a software tool, physical product, or service interaction. This helps viewers visualize how the product works in real life.

Add location context: If the testimonial is from a business, show clips of their office, employees, or workflow. This adds depth to the story and helps viewers understand the customer’s background.

Support claims visually: If the customer mentions a specific feature or benefit, use b-roll or graphics to visually reinforce that point. For example, if they talk about time savings, include a quick shot of them completing a task efficiently.

B-roll adds depth and visual interest to the testimonial while reinforcing the credibility of the customer’s claims.

5. Use Clear and Professional Audio

Sound quality is just as important as video quality. Poor audio can undermine the credibility of the testimonial, making it hard for viewers to understand the customer’s message. Make sure the audio is clear, balanced, and free from background noise.

Audio editing tips:

Clean up background noise: Use audio editing tools or AI-based software to remove unwanted background noise, such as traffic or air conditioning hums. AI tools like Descript and Adobe Audition can help enhance voice clarity.

Balance sound levels: Ensure that the audio levels are consistent throughout the video. You don’t want viewers adjusting their volume every time the customer speaks or when background music kicks in.

Add background music carefully: Light background music can add emotion to the video, but it should never overpower the customer’s voice. Keep the music at a low volume and ensure it complements the testimonial’s tone.

At Viral Ideas, we use professional audio editing tools to ensure that customer testimonials are not only visually appealing but also easy to listen to.

6. Include Subtitles for Accessibility

Adding subtitles to your testimonial videos ensures that your content is accessible to a broader audience. Subtitles are especially useful for viewers who may be watching without sound (common on social media) or who have hearing impairments.

Why subtitles matter:

Increase engagement: Many viewers on social platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn watch videos without sound. Subtitles allow them to follow along without needing to turn on the audio.

Improve accessibility: Subtitles make your videos more inclusive, ensuring that everyone, including those with hearing impairments, can understand the content.

Enhance comprehension: Even when sound is available, subtitles can help reinforce key points, especially in environments where viewers might struggle to hear the video clearly.

Tools like Rev.com and Veed.io make it easy to add accurate, professional subtitles to your videos, ensuring that your message reaches a wider audience.

7. End with a Strong Call to Action (CTA)

The goal of a testimonial video is to inspire potential customers to take action. Ending the video with a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) ensures that viewers know what to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, scheduling a demo, or signing up for your service.

How to add an effective CTA:

Reinforce the key message: Summarize the key benefit highlighted in the testimonial just before introducing the CTA. For example, “If you want the same results as [Customer Name], click here to get started.”

Add clickable elements: If the video is hosted online or on a platform like YouTube, include clickable CTAs such as a link to your website or a signup button.

Keep it simple: Don’t overwhelm viewers with too many options. Focus on one clear next step.

A strong CTA ensures that your testimonial doesn’t just build trust, but also leads to conversions.


Customer testimonials are one of the most powerful ways to build trust and credibility with your audience, but the key to maximizing their impact lies in thoughtful video editing. By focusing on storytelling, maintaining authenticity, incorporating b-roll, ensuring audio quality, and including a clear CTA, you can create testimonial videos that resonate with potential customers and build trust in your brand.

At Viral Ideas, we specialize in crafting professionally edited customer testimonial videos that help businesses build trust and convert viewers into loyal customers. Let us help you bring your customer stories to life.

Meet the author


I'm the Director of Creative Operations at Viral Ideas. I'm passionate about marketing, writing, and social media.

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