Video Editing for Training and Internal Communications
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Video Editing for Training and Internal Communications

In the modern workplace, clear and effective communication is essential for keeping teams aligned and informed. Whether it’s onboarding new employees, delivering internal updates, or training staff on new processes, video has become a critical tool for internal communications. Well-edited training videos help simplify complex topics, increase engagement, and ensure that information is delivered consistently across your organization.

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of video editing for training and internal communications, and how you can use tools like Loom to make video creation and sharing even easier. We’ll also discuss how you can incorporate these videos into your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to streamline your business processes.

1. Why Video is Effective for Training and Internal Communications

Training and internal communication videos offer several advantages over traditional methods like written documents or in-person presentations. Here’s why:

Engagement: Video content is inherently more engaging than text, making it easier for employees to retain information.

Consistency: Videos ensure that everyone receives the same information, reducing the chance for miscommunication that can occur with live training sessions or written instructions.

On-Demand Access: Employees can watch training videos at their own pace, allowing them to review important details as needed.

Cost-Effective: Once a video is created, it can be reused indefinitely, reducing the need for recurring live training sessions or meetings.

Whether it’s onboarding, compliance training, or internal updates, well-edited videos provide a professional and efficient way to keep employees informed and trained on the latest protocols.

2. Key Components of Effective Training and Internal Communication Videos

To ensure that your training videos are engaging and effective, it’s important to pay attention to the following video editing components:

Clarity and Simplicity

When editing training videos, prioritize clarity. Your video should break down complex topics into easily digestible sections. Use straightforward language, and avoid overloading the video with too much information at once.

Editing tips:

Use clean transitions: Ensure smooth transitions between different sections or topics to keep the video organized.

Visual aids: Add simple text overlays, infographics, or animations to emphasize key points and guide viewers through the content.

Keep it concise: Employees are more likely to engage with shorter videos. If your training requires lengthy explanations, consider breaking the content into smaller segments.

Engagement with Visual Elements

Video editing allows you to add visual aids that make your content more engaging. Visuals such as screenshots, diagrams, and step-by-step animations help reinforce what’s being explained, making it easier for employees to understand and retain the information.

Editing tips:

Screen recordings: If you’re explaining software or internal tools, use screen recordings with annotations to show exactly what employees need to do.

Animations: For processes that are difficult to film, consider adding simple animations that visually explain how something works.

Clear Audio and Subtitles

Clear audio is crucial for training videos, as employees need to hear the instructions without difficulty. Additionally, adding subtitles can help ensure that employees can follow along even if they’re in a noisy environment or prefer to read the instructions.

Editing tips:

Noise reduction: Use editing software to reduce background noise and improve the clarity of the voiceover or speaker.

Subtitles: Always include subtitles to make your videos accessible to everyone, including employees with hearing impairments or those who prefer watching videos without sound.

3. Using Loom for Quick and Efficient Video Creation

While professional video editing is important for larger training projects, tools like Loom offer a quick and effective way to create and share training or internal communication videos on the fly. Loom allows users to record their screen, voice, and camera simultaneously, making it a great option for explaining processes, demonstrating tools, or delivering internal updates.

How to use Loom for internal communications:

Record screen tutorials: For software training or process explanations, you can use Loom’s screen recording feature to walk employees through each step. This is especially useful for new employee onboarding or when introducing new software tools.

Deliver internal updates: Loom videos can also be used to share quick updates or messages from leadership. The combination of webcam and screen recording makes it feel more personal and engaging than a simple email.

Send video messages: Instead of scheduling meetings or writing long emails, you can record a Loom video explaining a task or update, making it easier for employees to absorb the information at their own pace.

With Loom, you can share a link to your recorded video, making it accessible to your entire team with just a few clicks. It’s an excellent tool for real-time, on-demand video creation that complements more professionally edited training videos.

4. Incorporating Video Content into SOPs

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are essential documents that guide employees through established processes within your organization. Including video content within your SOPs can greatly improve how information is communicated and followed, especially for tasks that involve visual or hands-on steps.

Why include videos in SOPs:

Improved understanding: Some procedures are easier to demonstrate visually than describe in writing. Video can show exact steps, reducing ambiguity and ensuring that employees follow instructions correctly.

Increased retention: Employees are more likely to retain information from video content compared to text-based documents. By adding videos, you improve comprehension and reduce errors.

Accessibility: Video SOPs are easy to access and review, allowing employees to revisit training materials whenever necessary.

How to include videos in SOPs:

Embed links: If your SOPs are digital, embed links to relevant training videos directly within the document. Tools like Loom make it easy to generate links that can be embedded in PDFs or internal platforms.

Create video libraries: Set up a library of training videos and include a reference to each video within the corresponding section of your SOP. This allows employees to quickly access the visual guide they need.

Combine with text: While videos are highly effective, don’t eliminate written instructions altogether. Use videos to complement the text, offering both written and visual guides to reinforce the procedure.

At Viral Ideas, we work with businesses to create polished training videos that can easily be integrated into SOPs, ensuring your team has the resources they need to perform tasks efficiently and correctly.

5. Best Practices for Video Editing in Training and Internal Communications

When creating training videos or internal communications, it’s important to keep a few best practices in mind to ensure your content is both effective and professional.

Stay On-Brand

Even internal videos should reflect your company’s brand. Use your logo, brand colors, and fonts to keep your video content consistent with the rest of your business materials.

Organize Your Content

Divide your videos into clear sections to make it easier for employees to follow. Consider adding a table of contents at the start of longer training videos or using chapter markers in the video’s timeline.

Get Feedback and Update Regularly

After releasing your training or internal communication videos, gather feedback from employees. Use their input to refine future videos, and make sure you regularly update content to keep it current with new policies, tools, or processes.


Video editing plays a crucial role in delivering effective training and internal communication materials. By leveraging clear visuals, professional sound, and accessible subtitles, you ensure that your employees are engaged and informed. Tools like Loom allow you to create quick, on-demand training videos, while professional editing ensures that more complex projects maintain a polished and engaging presentation.

At Viral Ideas, we help businesses produce high-quality training and internal communication videos that can be integrated into their daily operations and SOPs. Whether it’s onboarding new hires or training staff on a new software tool, we ensure that your videos are clear, engaging, and professional.

Meet the author


I'm the Director of Creative Operations at Viral Ideas. I'm passionate about marketing, writing, and social media.

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